Caring for a child is to decide forever to have your heart walk around outside your body.
Please check out our Bulletin Board where you will find workshops designed for families, accessible activities for children with special needs, and links to family resources specifically designed for professionals.
Our Information and Links by Topic section gives you information on resources that may be of benefit to you and professionals alike.
Family Stories will be updated regularly. There you may read about personal experiences from families who have a child with special health care or developmental needs. To Professionals: If you would like to have your story about an experience with a baby or young child with special health care needs published on the WONDERbabies website, please contact us at wonderbabies@yahoo.com.
You may also find what you’re looking for in our Resources, Education & Training and Upcoming Training Events sections.
Brought to you by professionals who care
and often work wherever they may find themselves!

- wonderbabies@yahoo.com
- Worldwide Availability