WONDERbabies NICU Caregiver Guide
WHAT: The WONDERbabies Caregiver Guide was developed utilizing information from both the BABIES domains of development as well as the PreSTEPS model of caregiver contributions to supporting infant development. It is intended to inform caregivers about what to expect their baby to do, ways to support their baby, things to look for along the way as well as reflective questions to ask themselves across the 6 BABIES developmental domains. It also provides red flags to watch for in both the infant and the caregiver.
DESCRIPTION: This Guide for WONDERbabies and WONDERparents who have experienced their start in intensive care describes building blocks for parents and babies with special health and developmental needs and what to do to support their development. The Guide addresses the development of newborns and young infants and how to support optimal development and reflective questions for the primary caregiver. It addresses foundational aspects of Body function, Arousal and sleep, Body movement, Interaction with others, Eating and Soothing. It also includes strategies for supporting babies, including Predictability and continuity, State and arousal supports, Timing and pacing, Environmental modifications, Positioning and handling and Soothing supports. Additionally, it includes developmental and mental health for both babies and their parents, along with a host of resources to connect with.
BONUS: Included with all purchases are directions for the community provider on how to best use the Guide with primary caregivers.
WHO BENEFITS: Caregivers and families of fragile newborns and young infants; excellent resource for hospital professionals.
$5.00 each | English


WONDERbabies "Getting to Know Your Baby" Guide
WHAT: The WONDERbabies Getting to Know Your Baby Guide was developed for hospitals and professionals to provide to families and caregivers. It is a 35-page booklet with photographs of typical communication behaviors of the developing preterm and term newborn. Used to help primary caregivers understand the approach and avoidance behaviors of babies, it sets the stage for how to support babies when they are overloaded and to promote optimal development. Based on Als’ Synactive Theory, it covers observable autonomic, motor, state, interaction and self regulation behaviors that can guide care. It is available in English, Spanish, French and Arabic.
BONUS: The WONDERbabies Getting to Know Your Baby Guide is a free PDF download. Hard copies for purchase may be ordered in multiple languages. Please order below.
WHO BENEFITS: Caregivers and families of fragile newborns and young infants; excellent resource for hospital professionals.

Helpful Links to More Resources
Toilet Training for Children with Special Needs DVD
This video provides techniques and principles of success for toilet training children with special needs.
Getting to Know Your Baby by K VandenBerg, JV Browne, L Perez, A Newstetter (2009)
A Developmental Guide for Community Service Providers & Parents of NICU Graduates. Please contact us if you would like to purchase a hard copy of this manual. This manual has been revised in 2021. Please contact us here to order:
Early Arrival: Finding the Magic of Everyday Moments With Your Baby in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) by Rebecca Parlakian and Claire Lerner, LCSW (Updated 2018)
This booklet, which provides suggestions for the unique needs of families with a baby in the NICU, is available in English and Spanish to purchase from the Zero to Three website.
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