Helpful Collateral Materials, Manuals and Links


Collateral Materials
Feel free to distribute these 2-page reference sheets to parents who come to your practice, who want to know what to expect during their child’s different developmental stages.
Born Learning Guides in English
Family-Centered Care Self-Assessment Tools
Developed by Family Voices (2008) – Use these tools to see if your practice is family-centered.
More Helpful Links and Resources
*NEW* Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition
Whether you are a lactation consultant, pediatrician, OB/GYN doctor, midwife, doula, or nurse, you will find valuable breastfeeding information here on breastfeeding legislation, workplace and hospital practices that support breastfeeding, the business case for breastfeeding, and more.
Family Voices Colorado is a grassroots organization run by parents of children with special healthcare needs. The support you receive is from someone who understands the many challenges of having a child with special health care needs in their life.
Incorporating Family Participation Practices into Your Practice and Project
From the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Medical Home Implementation Continuing Medical Education Series #5. Slides on a family perspective, the Pennsylvania Medical Home Initiative, engaging Parent Partners, and a Teen Screen program.
*NEW* Providing Perinatal Mental Health Services in Pediatric Primary Care by A Talmi, B Stafford, and M Buchholz
This article describes an integrated mental health program located within a busy pediatric primary care training clinic, and how it incorporates infant mental health principles into direct services and educational offerings.
Prevalence of Developmental and Behavioral Disorders in a Pediatric Hospital by MC Petersen, DA Kube, TM Whitaker, JC Graff and FB Palmer
This study looks at the higher prevalence of developmental and behavioral disorders in hospitalized children and emphasizes the need to screen for developmental disabilities. The study was published in Pediatrics.
Evidence-Based Social-Emotional Curricula and Intervention Packages for Children 0-5 Years and Their Families by D Powell and G Dunlap (2009)
This synthesis provides information that programs can use as guidance in selecting curricula or intervention packages that are most appropriate for their setting and best meet the needs of the children and families they serve.
Referring a Child for Early Intervention
Medical Home Initiative Internal Webpage
The National Center of Medical Home Initiatives for Children with Special Needs
The National Center for Medical Home Implementation (NCMHI) is a cooperative agreement between the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). The mission of the NCMHI is to ensure that all children and youth, including children with special needs, have access to a medical home.
Health Care Policy and Financing
Colorado’s Department of Health Care Policy and Financing administers Medicaid and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+), and has information on the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), program rules and more.
NCQA: National Committee for Quality Assurance
NCQA is a non-profit that seeks to improve the quality of health care through measurement, transparency and accountability. Available on this website are accreditation, certification and recognition programs, quality measurement resources and research, report cards for quality health care, information on federal and state policy, and more.
Findings from the ABCD Screening Academy: Measurement to Support Effective Identification of Children at Risk for Developmental Delay by N Kaye, J May and CP Reuland (2009)
This State Health Policy Briefing examines the efforts of many states to use measurement to support policy and practice changes that improve pediatric primary care providers’ identification of children with or at risk for developmental delay.
System of Risk Triage: A Conceptual Framework to Guide Referral and Developmental Intervention Decisions in the NICU by VL Laadt, BJ Woodward, L Papile (2007)
Article describes a process that helps determine the types and intensity of services that would be needed for babies coming from the neonatal intensive care unit. The article was published in Infants & Young Children.
Health Care Legislation
This is a summary of Colorado legislation passed in 2008 regarding health care.
Health Information and Developmental Implications – Examples of HCP Assistance
Various situations are described, and how the Health Care Program (HCP) for Children with Special Needs can help.
Sharing Knowledge with Infant-Toddler Teachers and Home Visitors
These products of the the Early Head Start National Resource Center at Zero To Three, in collaboration with the Office of Head Start, provide an overview and training for professionals who work with these populations.
Sharing Knowledge with Infant-Toddler Teachers and Home Visitors (COMPANION MANUALS):
These manuals provide background material and suggested activities for directors or supervisors to use while teaching staff who will work with these populations. They are products of the Early Head Start National Resource Center at Zero To Three, in collaboration with the Office of Head Start.
- Serving Young Infants Trainer’s Companion Manual
- Serving Mobile Infants Trainer’s Companion Manual
- Serving Toddlers Trainer’s Companion Manual
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