Fragile Infant Feeding Institute - FIFI

FIFI Faculty, 2019

Fragile Infant Feeding Insitute (FIFI)
The Fragile Infant Feeding Institute is a four and a half day intensive study of feeding and nutrition for infants with special needs. The interprofessional institute focuses on hospital and community feeding practices and encourages close interaction between the faculty and participants.
The Fragile Infant Feeding Institute is a four and a half day intensive study of feeding and nutrition for infants with special needs. Held in a comfortable setting, the Institute encourages close interaction between the faculty and participants. The faculty represent both clinical and research perspectives, providing an evidence-based offering with a focus on practical application. Particular emphasis is placed on the neurodevelopmental aspects of infant feeding, supporting the infant-parent relationship, and the development of systems to support best practices.
This course expands the knowledge base of professionals supporting infants with feeding and nutrition challenges. The development of feeding skills and the impact of early nutrition and feeding experiences are discussed in the context of developmentally supportive and family-centered care. Based on concepts adapted from the Synactive theory, the Newborn Individualized Developmental Care & Assessment Program (NIDCAP), and the Family Infant Relationship Support Training (FIRST) program, the Institute provides a sound foundation for observation and assessment of developing feeding skills. Supportive interventions for infants while in the hospital, as well as during the transition to home are addressed.
The Institute places a special emphasis on feeding and nutritional issues through the transition to supplementary (baby) foods. The nutritional needs of premature infants and those with special medical needs, as well as the interaction between feeding skills and nutritional needs are discussed. Presenters represent the disciplines of nursing, nutrition, therapy, parenting, and psychology. Each day successively builds on the knowledge and information from the previous day. An interactive process with the faculty results in the participant applying the information during presentations during the four and a half day Institute.
Are You Ready To Start?
WONDERbabies Offers Additional
Resources to Use in Your Practice
The WONDERbabies Caregiver Guide was developed utilizing information from both the BABIES domains of development as well as the PreSTEPS model of caregiver contributions to supporting infant development. It is intended to inform caregivers in what to expect their baby to do, ways to support their baby, things to look for along the way as well as reflective questions to ask themselves across the six BABIES developmental domains. It also provides “red flags” to watch for in both babies and parents/caregivers, along with a host of resources to connect with.
Included with all purchases are directions for the community provider on how to best use the Guide with primary caregivers.
Who this is for: Caregivers of fragile newborns and young infants
Goal: To provide information to caregivers about developmental building blocks for fragile newborns and young infants
Faculty: Kristin Frank, OTR, CIMI and Jennifer Harrrison, MS, CLE, CIMI
To order the Caregiver/Family Guide, please contact us here.
The “Getting to Know Your Baby” Guide is a 35-page booklet with photographs of typical communication behaviors of the developing preterm and term newborn. Used to help primary caregivers understand the approach and avoidance behaviors of babies, it sets the stage for how to support babies when they are overloaded and to promote optimal development. Based on Als’ Synactive Theory, it covers observable autonomic, motor, state, interaction and self regulation behaviors that can guide care. It is available in English, Spanish, French and Arabic.
To order the “Getting to Know Your Baby” Guide/Pamphlet please contact us here.
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