Latest Past Events

Class 9 of 12 – Learning Collaborative Alaska/New Mexico Cohort

Held Virtually

Welcome Back, Alaska/New Mexico Cohort! Class 9 of 12 This training began on May 24, 2022 and will continue to be held on the 4th Tuesday of each month until May, 2023. The Learning Collaborative meets monthly for one year after the FIRST Steps for BABIES foundational training. These meetings are designed to provide in […]

Class 8 of 12 – Learning Collaborative Alaska/New Mexico Cohort

Held Virtually

Welcome Back, Alaska/New Mexico Cohort! Class 8 of 12 This training began on May 24, 2022 and will continue to be held on the 4th Tuesday of each month until May, 2023. The Learning Collaborative meets monthly for one year after the FIRST Steps for BABIES foundational training. These meetings are designed to provide in […]

BABI/DDRC Training

Overview Babies Adaptive Behavior Inventory (BABI): The BABI Observation Template provides a comprehensive view of the adaptive functioning of the newborn and young infant. Information from the observation and the structured conversation with the primary caregiver provides evaluators, service coordinators, early intervention providers and other community professionals with valuable information regarding infant adaptive function during formative early months of […]