Assessment of Preterm Infant Behavior APIB

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Joy V. Browne, PhD, PCNS-BC, IMH-E®
Petora Manetto-Spratt, PT, DPT, PCS, IMH-E® Infant Family Specialist
Emily McNeil, LPC, BC-DMT, CIMI, IMH-E (IV)
Kristin Frank, OTR/L, CIMI
Jennifer Martin, M.S., CCC-SLP
Jennifer Harrison, MS, CLE, CIMI
Gail Trujillo, M.Sc., Ph.D (ABD), IMH-E®
Debra Paul, OTR/L
Jeffrey Alberts, PhD
Jean Powlesland, MS, RNC-NNIC, NIDCAP Trainer
Jennifer Hofherr, MS, OTR/L, C/NDT
Bonni Moyer, MSPT
Diane Ballweg, MSN, APRN, CNS
Dorothy Vittner, PhD, RN, CHPE
Assessment of Preterm Infant Behavior is a comprehensive, systematic assessment of the preterm and full-term newborn, and provides a valuable resource in support of developmental care provision by professionals and families. It is a neurodevelopmental diagnostic instrument for clinicians and developmental consultants in the nursery setting, such as psychologists, neonatologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, developmental pediatricians, and advance practice nurse clinicians.
The APIB is a comprehensive, systematic assessment of the preterm and fullterm newborn, and provides a valuable resource in support of developmental care provision by professionals and families. It is a neurodevelopmental diagnostic instrument for clinicians and developmental consultants in the nursery setting, such as psychologists, neonatologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, developmental pediatricians, and advance practice nurse clinicians. APIB training is a requirement for all those providing formal NIDCAP training. It is highly recommended for all developmental specialists and developmental nurse educators in charge of the facilitation of developmental care. It is furthermore necessary for those who wish to use the APIB as research instrument. For more information, please visit
Are You Ready To Start?
Our faculty is comprised of NIDCAP trainers and NIDCAP Professionals who are experienced in the challenges of implementation in NICUs and who come from a variety of disciplines including OT, PT, Speech, Parenting high risk babies, Nursing, Neurophysiology and Psychology. Thus, our faculty is well versed in the complexities of how to work as a team and how to implement neuroprotective strategies from a variety of perspectives.
WONDERbabies Offers Additional
Resources to Use in Your Practice
The WONDERbabies Caregiver Guide was developed utilizing information from both the BABIES domains of development as well as the PreSTEPS model of caregiver contributions to supporting infant development. It is intended to inform caregivers in what to expect their baby to do, ways to support their baby, things to look for along the way as well as reflective questions to ask themselves across the six BABIES developmental domains. It also provides “red flags” to watch for in both babies and parents/caregivers, along with a host of resources to connect with.
Included with all purchases are directions for the community provider on how to best use the Guide with primary caregivers.
Who this is for: Caregivers of fragile newborns and young infants
Goal: To provide information to caregivers about developmental building blocks for fragile newborns and young infants
Faculty: Kristin Frank, OTR, CIMI and Jennifer Harrrison, MS, CLE, CIMI
To order the Caregiver/Family Guide, please contact us here.
The “Getting to Know Your Baby” Guide is a 35-page booklet with photographs of typical communication behaviors of the developing preterm and term newborn. Used to help primary caregivers understand the approach and avoidance behaviors of babies, it sets the stage for how to support babies when they are overloaded and to promote optimal development. Based on Als’ Synactive Theory, it covers observable autonomic, motor, state, interaction and self regulation behaviors that can guide care. It is available in English, Spanish, French and Arabic.
To order the “Getting to Know Your Baby” Guide/Pamphlet please contact us here.

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